Flight Reservations

Nigeria FAQ

How do I search for available flights on your portal?
Enter your departing city, arrival city, departure and return dates, number of persons and preferred cabin. Click on search to obtain flight options.
Fri, 12 Jun, 2020 at 6:10 AM
How long should my passport remain valid for before I can travel with it?
For all international travel, passport needs to have at least 6 (six) months validity prior to its expiration on the date of passenger return.
Fri, 12 Jun, 2020 at 6:17 AM
How long will a flight booking remain active?
Flight bookings remain valid for 24hours if travel date is a one week or more from date of booking and instant purchase if travel date is less than a week f...
Fri, 12 Jun, 2020 at 6:11 AM
How many baggage allowance am I allowed to travel with?
Baggage allowance is dependent on the type of preferred cabin as well as airline preference. This can vary from zero to 2pices of bags at 23kilos each in ec...
Fri, 12 Jun, 2020 at 6:15 AM
What will happen if fare on booking done changes before ticket is issued?
An automated notification will be sent via sms/email to advice on fare changes, ticket will be issued when confirmation of payment is received base on new f...
Fri, 12 Jun, 2020 at 6:14 AM