• How long does it take for a refund to be processed? The refund may take a period of 2-3 weeks to be processed depending on the airline.
  • Do I get a full refund if I am unable to use a ticket bought /hotel voucher purchased Amount to be refunded will be based on the type of ticket purchased, i.e. whether the ticket is refundable or not and airline policy regarding refund of such ticket.
  • Will my total ticket amount be refunded if I miss my flight? The amount to be refunded is dependent on airline policy if no show is permitted on the type of ticket purchased. Instances where no show is not permitted, the entire ticket value will be forfeited.
  • Will I be given a refund if I do not use part of my ticket purchased. A refund of partly used ticket would solely depend on the conditions that come with the ticket. I.e. if the ticket is refundable, then yes you may get a refund but if the condition of the ticket is nonrefundable then you would not get a refund.